5 Points to Consider When Getting Started with Email Marketing

One of the most beneficial ways of converting cold leads into hot leads is by engaging and attracting them through email marketing. Email marketing, essentially, is the process of sending out multiple emails with different CTA buttons, providing customers with the option of choosing the information that best fits their requirements, and then tracking and roping in the customer with subsequent relevant information. 

Before we get into how the customer journey can be tracked through email marketing, let’s first understand what a customer journey is. 

What is a Customer Journey?

If you have ever wondered about the entire process that you go through when availing a service or purchasing a product, then you have experienced going through a customer journey. Have you ever wondered about all the follow-up emails you get from a website when you have something in the cart and have not made a purchase? Those emails are a part of the customer journey that you are a part of. 

In internet marketing, brands follow the customer journey of their competitors and then copy or replicate the same customer journey or try and lure potential customers to purchase from their website. Ultimately, it’s all about how smooth the customer journey is for a business and how attractive the CTAs of the graphics of an advertisement are. 

Email Marketing: The Basics

One of the strongest tools that a business can harness in its digital marketing strategy is email marketing. Email marketing gives your business the direct chance to showcase who you are, what you do, and what are your services/products, and has the potential to convert any potential customer into a long-term customer. 

Email marketing when automated by a brand is also a sure way of understanding consumer behavior and optimizing the customer journey to ensure that the end goal or result that you desire for a customer to make is achieved.

How to Get Started with Email Marketing?

Email marketing is like an eye-opener for businesses. As mentioned before, it is also the best way of converting cold leads that you have gotten through your digital marketing strategy into hot leads who are constantly engaging with your brand. Before you get started working on your email marketing strategy and automation flow, here are some base points that need to be covered.

1.   The Touchpoint

Where is your customer coming from? In email marketing, the touchpoint of your customer or the point from where a potential customer knows about your business or comes into contact with your brand name is the touchpoint. The touchpoint of a customer is the defining moment for your business to get started on roping them into your digital marketing strategy and driving sales. 

2.           The “Hook”

Email marketing deals with mass mailing cold leads and target mail sending to hot leads who are associated with your brand. The most important part about emails is their subject line which essentially is the “hook” for the entire digital marketing strategy. 

Several action words and “go-to” words have been identified to be the prime increaser in open rates for email marketing. Identifying words or sentences that work with your brand and audience is a must before getting started on your marketing strategy. In marketing, there is always a saying of testing out whether something is working or not for your brand, and as such, even emails need A/B testing for better results.

3.           Designing The Communication

Once a prospect clicks on the hook to open your email, it's all about how the design and communication of the email appeal to them. The design of the email, no doubt, has to be in line with the branding of the company, while the communication has to be clear and crisp. 

As a brand, you have to decide on whether you want to provide information to the prospect, get them to click on a CTA, get them to move to a different website, engage with your brand, or something more through the email that you are sending. Please note, the stage that your customer is in their customer journey and the triggers that they have followed throughout the email marketing process is going to be the defining point for the type of emails that are sent to them. 

4.           Trackable Links

When it comes to tracking the movement of your customers, there is no other way to do it than to harness the power of trackable links in your email marketing strategy. Even in digital marketing, trackable links are the preferred way to understand your lead count and behavior. Through automation in email marketing, these trackable links become triggers that set off either a set of different emails for your ideal customer to make the desired purchase or they assist in pinpointing exactly what your customer wishes to get from your brand. 

A point to remember is, email marketing, though an extension and a major part of digital marketing have to be incorporated into the branding of your company. Branding and design play a colossal role in identifying brands and the “open rate” for email marketing.

5.           Setting Up Automation

A big part of email marketing is the automation process. Email automation, which is based on triggers and the timing of emails opened is essential for the success rate. Email automation essentially takes into consideration several psychological factors and pinpoints the time to send emails to prospects based on the data fed into the system by an organization.

For example, if you are starting your email marketing campaign, then an introductory email, a sign-up for your services email, an information-giving email, or another CTA email to your products and services, are the basic type of emails that you should send to your prospects. 

Here’s a guide on how to set up automation for your business’ email marketing strategy.

Our Services

At Digikore Digital, we take care of everything related to digital marketing. Grow your business with us, get qualified leads, increase your engagement and make your presence known on social media. Dive into the possibilities that digital marketing holds when it comes to the growth and recognition of your business! Contact us today to know more.


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